Monday, July 30, 2007

the final countdown.....

greetings friends and family! we are less than 1 week away from our mission trip and the longest vacation ever! the excitement around the house is palpable. our suitcases runneth over. strategic questions abound such as "how do you prepare for an adventure like this?" or "what should i pack to last me for 2 months and about 4 countries?" and more importantly, "if the speed of the plane travelling to asia goes faster than the speed that the earth rotates, would that mean that we're travelling into the future?" i guess that i will at least have some things to ponder on the 14-hour flight.

beyond these things, we also appreciate your excitement for us, your encouragement, and your desperate pleas for rescue from your cubicle, small town, crackberry, small children, window-less office, and/or boss. we apologize again that we cannot fit you in our luggage. all joking aside, we could not begin the first leg of our journey without your prayers and support! so thank you! we cannot wait to see what God has in store for us at our first stop and on the rest of our trip.

if you find time in this next week, please remember us in your prayers. pray that we will arrive safely at our first destination. pray that all of our luggage and supplies arrives with us. pray that our team remains healthy throughout the duration of the trip. pray that we will have the strength and energy to love on 100 orphans. pray for the logistics of our camp that it may run smoothly and that the kids have fun and think that we are funny. pray for good team dynamics. pray for anything else that i may have not mentioned!

we can't wait to update you all! until then, sara&jonathan


Unknown said...

In addition to these prayers, I do certainly hope that Sara joins the ranks of Cap-heads everywhere and starts using the "Shift" key when typing entries.


Safe travels!!

Unknown said...

Safe and fun travels, you two, can't wait to read all about 'em! WOOHOO!!