Friday, August 24, 2007

Jonathan is not Jackie Chan

I just realized that I threw something out there in my China wrap up that may have raised some questions.. namely, how did Jonathan break his arm and how is he doing.

So, let me take you back to August 7th......

It was our first full day running our program for the kids. I was assisting with some games in the afternoon. We were running a relay race and I had to participate as we had an odd number of people. I was on the anchor leg and did not plan on letting my team down.

I was just trailing Mary, a 15 year old girl at the school, at the final turn. I completed the prescribed 5 jumping jacks and sprinted for the finish. I should have kept my eyes up instead of down. As I crossed the finish line, out of the corner of my eye, I realized that everyone on my team who had completed the race was sitting down just a few yards from the finish, and I was about to kill, or at least seriously maim a few little Chinese orphan girls.

It was at that moment that all of my previous martial arts training kicked in... unfortunately I've never had any martial arts training. I lept over the girls, narrowly missing inflicting a serious headwound to one of them. From what has been described to me, I was completely horizontal and spinning through the air. I imagine it to look something like in a Jackie Chan/Jet Li movie when they kick one of the bad guys and that guy falls away, spinning. As you might have gathered, I did not land on my feet. In fact, I probably narrowly avoided a head trauma of my own and thousands of dollars in dental work by raising my right hand at the last second before impact.

All in all for what could have happened, I'd say that God really protected me. It has been diagnosed as a decent fracture of my radius by one doctor in China, then not a fracture at all at the public hospital in Paris, and finally as a small fracture of my wrist by the American Hospital in Paris. I'm trusting the final one. I'm in a wrist splint now and will be for about another three weeks. It really looks cool in every single one of our pictures. As I said, I feel pretty blessed to have gotten off that easily.

Hope that clears up any questions you´ve had. Thanks for your concern.


bharber said...

way to take one for the team, man! i hope your team won the relay;) glad you're okay:)

John and Jenny Kilmartin said...

We could picture it clearly in our minds- thank you Shoober. Sounds like a great plot for the next Jackie Chan movie.
J and J

Frankie said...

Thanks for your wonderful journal-ing of your trip! Wishing you continued safe travels and drier weather! Love and Hugs Frankie :o)