Thursday, August 23, 2007

Yes...We are Alive

Sorry for the large gap in posts, but we were quite busy playing with little children, breaking an arm (jonathan) and giving medical check ups to quite a few kids (sara).

Our time in China was really great. The 14 hour flight (direct from DC...WOO!) was actually not as bad as we had been preparing ourselves for. Once in Beijing, we thought to ourselves...bummer, what a cloudy day. Then we were informed that it was not the clouds but the smog that was blocking out the sun. Yikes. From Beijing we took a chartered van to NanKou, where we were finally able to have a proper meal (not without some food culture shock) and lay our head down to rest. Thankfully, the accomodations were nice and clean, and even had air conditioning.

The next day, we went to the GWTC and met the kids. Everyone was a bit cautious at first, but Danny Katcher broke the ice by inviting himself into a game of Ping Pong. There is too much to write about the week we spent at the GWTC, but suffice to say that it was truly special and life changing. Each day we ran a program with some songs, skits, games, crafts, and English. One morning they treated us to a dazzling display of traditional chinese dances complete with fans, spinning handkerchiefs, kung fu, and bowls balanced on their heads. The kids were really great (and flexible). We returned the favor later that morning by teaching them the Chicken Dance. A fair trade if you ask me. We also introduced them to volleyball and ultimate frisbee. I had a blast getting to know the kids, and Sara was lucky enough to be able to spend a little one on one time with each of them through medical assessments. One other highlight here was that we got to climb some of the Great Wall (which we could see from our hotel). We found it quite challenging, but the Chinese woman in high heels ahead of us didn't seem to be phased. (As you might have guessed by my absence from the picture above, I´m the one behind the camera)

The next week we spent a couple of days at an orphanage south of Beijing in Zhao Xian. While we only had a couple of days with these kids, they again left quite an impression on us, as did the "best hotel in town, which sara wouldn't even let us put the luggage on the ground for fear of what might contaminate them. The place was pretty scary, but we survived. We again ran some games and stuff for the kids. It was a real priviledge to get to know them as well as our hosts.

The last few days we spent in Beijing sightseeing and shopping. We saw a couple of the "must see" sights (Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Chinese Acrobats) mixed in with a healthy dose of shopping. I have only one thing to say. Sara = ball busting price negotiator. The sellers kept on saying "you killing me lady" to her. I'm so proud.

We are in currently in Beynac, a quaint little town in France. It's really cool.... stone buildings, cobble stoned streets, and a awesome castle on the cliff overlooking the town. We will fill you in on France in our next post. Until then, Au Revoir.


Unknown said...

It's wonderful to hear from you! I'm glad you're both enjoying your trip, and I can't wait to hear more!!

Lots o'love,
Your favorite cousin (no, not Becky)

bharber said...

Hey...wait a minute, I'm not sure I appreciate the last comment;)

It sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'm not sure you're having more fun than you would if you were hanging out with two toddlers though;)

Enjoy every minute!!!
Your favorite cousin (really)

Katie said...

I'm so glad that you both are safe and sound!! Keep the notes coming and everyone here at work wants to see pix!!
enjoy yourselves, have a ball and we all can't wait until your safe return!!

lots of love
mom (the REAL favorite!!)

Sue said...

Thanks for posting!! Jonathan, how did you break your arm? I can't wait to hear the stories and see pics! I'm praying for you guys and your trip of a lifetime...(and doing my fair share of repenting of my jealousy!)
Love you guys!
Sue (the favorite sister)