Saturday, October 20, 2007


it's crazy to think that we've been back a couple of weeks already. our transition home was pretty hectic with unpacking, a friend's wedding, jet lag, and the start of my new job. we continue to reflect on a lot of the things we saw and experienced. i think that we will try to adapt some of the things that we learned on our trip into our life in the states as much as we can, however, there are some things that, unfortunately, just don't translate. how can we slow down and enjoy "la dolce vita" when things in dc are so busy? how can we walk everywhere when there are no sidewalks? and where the HECK can i get a decent cup of coffee and a non-greasy croissant?

so times are bittersweet in the shiu household. our trip has made us view life here through a different lens. we were suprised when we realized that we miss so many of the european traditions that we had grown accusomed to. in the same way, it has been sweet to return to the familiar - home, henry, friends, church, and neighbors.

i have a 2 year contract at my new job, so we know that we will be in this area for at least that much time....but after that, who knows? i expect that this won't be the final resting place for the shius. there is still so much more to see! now if i could just find a good cup of coffee......

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